About Global Ayurveda Hospital

About Global Ayurveda Hospital

  1. Global Ayurveda Hospital is an institute attached hospital as per NCISM norms which consists of 60 beds in Indoor patient department & 8 different out-door patient departments, in which Ayurveda M.D. & M.S. Vaidya (doctors) as well as B.A.M.S. Vaidya serve as a team for the society's wellbeing.
  2. We have different Outpatient Departments (OPD) for daily visits of the patients
    1. Screening OPD,
    2. Panchkarma (Purifying treatments),
    3. Shalya (General Surgery),
    4. Shalakya (Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Oro Dentistry)
    5. Striroga & Prasuti tantra (Gynaecology & Obstetrics )
    6. Balroga (Pediatrics ),
    7. Atyayika (Emergency Department ) and
    8. Swasthvritta (Preventive & Social Medicine) & yoga OPD.
    9. Agad Tantra (Visha Chikitsa) OPD
    10. Specialty Clinics / Units like Rasayan Karma, Sthaulya, Madhumeha etc. with collaboration of All Institutional Department.
    11. City OPD / Community Outreach program on Monday - Wednesday and Friday with collaboration of All Institutional Department in Rajkot City at three different places.
  3. We have a pathology laboratory for Blood, Sputum, Urine, Stool examination with all required equipments.
  4. Our hospital is equipped with modern Panchkarma theatre, Modular operation theatre, physiotherapy unit, Medicinal dispensary & latest instruments like video Proctoscopy for diagnosis of ano- rectal diseases and Auto-arefractometer for eye check-up, X-ray, ECG. & USG machines.
  5. We also run various kinds of programs for all, viz.
    1. Yoga & Diet therapy with proper guidance for needy persons in Swasthvritta & yoga OPD,
    2. Svarnaprashan therapy on every Pushya Nakshatra for children's mental, Physical growth & for boosting their immunity in Kaumarbhritya OPD,
    3. Garbhsanskar for couples who want their progeny to be healthy by body & mind in Stri-Roga Prasuti Tantra OPD,
    4. Rasayankarma as rejuvenation therapy for ageing disorders in Panchakarma OPD, rejuvenation therapy for ageing & degenerating
    5. Vyasanmukti Abhiyan for de-addiction and Pathyapathya Guidance in Swasthavritta OPD
    6. Also, we follow Ayurvedic Dincharya in our Indoor Patient Department that helps the patients to fight against Lifestyle disorders.
  6. As we are here to serve the society we do not take any type of consultation charge and provide free medication for 7 days. This enables us to accommodate patients from each and every strata of the society to maintain their health


Global institute of Ayurveda and Global Ayurveda Hospital has well equipped and well-furnished and organized all 14 departments as per latest guidelines on NCISM

Kayachikitsa Department


Kaya Chikitsa means the treatment of the whole body. This is the prime among the Ashtanga Ayurveda. This department is the terminal part of Ayurveda that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of variety of disorders like Jwara, Raktapitta, Prameha, Kushtha, Unmada, Apasmara, Vata-vyadhi, Kasa, Shwaas, Hikka, Pandu, Kamala, Udar, Grahanai, Krumi, etc. The modern aspects of arthritis and joint diseases, skin diseases, life style diseases, general medicine disorders, diabetes, asthama, hyperacidity are also taught by this department.

  • The main objective of Kayachikitsa department is to impart, teaching, training and practicing theoretical, practical & clinical knowledge of various disorders to the students.
  • The department also provides treatment facility and consultancy services to the patients attending OPD and IPD of kayachikitsa department.
  • Department conducts daily general OPD which is run by experts specialized in kayachikitsa. General OPD deals with diseases from the following areas
  • Koshtha Vikar [Gastro-enterology]
  • Kushtha [Dermatology]
  • Manas evum Mashtishka Vikara & Vatavyadhi [Neurological, Psychiatry & musculoskeletal disorders]
  • Shwaas-kasa-Hikka-Pratishyaya [Respiratory disorders]
  • Hridroga [Cardiology]
  • Sthoulya- Karshya-Amlapitta Vikara [Life style disorders]
  • Mutrakrichra-Ashmari-Ashthila Vikara [Nephrology and urology]
  • Sahaja Vikara [Genetics]
  • Endocrinology
  • IPD Service : The department provides In Patient Hospitalization to all patients with different diseased conditions. Various procedures of Panchakarma and Upakarma are prescribed in the IPD along with special life style planning diet and ways.
  • Special OPD : Special OPD for chronic kidney disease patients is operated by Dr. Vidhi Patel. She is specifically skilled in successfully treating kidney disorders by various skilled ayurvedic practices.

    Skin disease clinic is run by Dr. Tushar Kumar who yields result oriented work in various skin disorders by adapting comprehensive ayurvedic applications like Jalaukavacharana, siravedhana etc.

    Acute pain management clinic services are delivered by Dr. Saili Lokare who specializes in Viddha karma technique which provides prompt relief in pain in various diseases.

  • Medical Camp : Our department conducts free medical camps across various localities in Rajkot with free consultation by M.D. experts.

    Kayachikitsa department in collaboration with CCRAS AYUSH program has delivered free COVID preventive medications to different factory workers and other people.

    Kayachikitsa department was actively functioning during the COVID period. The department provided OPD for consultation and treatment of COVID and Post COVID conditions.

Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 36
    • Models - 16
    • Specimens - 43
    • Library Books - 54
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room
  • IPD – as per new regulation MES AR UG 2024

Panchakarma Department


Panchakarma is slowly becoming household name not only in India but also globally. Panchakarma is that unique part of Ayurveda in which there are five procedures (Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana), through which we can do स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं (maintain health of healthy) and आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमन (cure the disease).

In general, people understand it as measure to improve quality of life and that which will deal with detoxification of the body and hence will increase immunity.

This department primarily deals in imparting quality education and training related to all the Panchkarma procedures. The students are given hands-on training on all the Panchkarma therapies through live demonstration. We provide opportunity to students to perform these therapies live on the patients.

  • Panchakarma awareness at grass route level in its real sense.
  • Healthy living through Panchakarma
  • Curing treatable disease.
  • Providing better living in incurable disease.
  • PROMOTE HEALTH : Vasantik Vamana, Sharadik Virechana. Emphasis on Panchakarma, it can be done in healthy to promote health and develop immunity through detoxification of body.
  • TREATMENT OF VARIOUS CONDITION LIKE : osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, asthma, paralysis, cirrhosis of liver, ulcerative colitis etc. through Panchakarma.
  • PROVIDING BETTER LIVING IN THE DISEASES WHICH CANNOT BE CURE LIKE : Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke etc. through Panchakarma.
  • MAINTAINING BETTER HEALTH IN HORMONAL DISORDERS LIKE : diabetes, hypothyroidism, PCOS etc. through Panchakarma.
  • TREATMENT OF MENTAL DISORDERS LIKE : OCD, PTSD, bipolar disease, depression, schizophrenia etc. through Panchakarma.
  • TREATING CHRONIC SKIN DISORDERS LIKE : psoriasis, vitiligo, dermatitis etc. through Panchakarma.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 22
    • Models - 12
    • Specimens - 70
    • Library Books - 63
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room
  • IPD – as per new regulation MES AR UG 2024
  • Panchakarma Theatre - separate facilities for male & female patient/s

Shalya Tantra Department


The Shalya Tantra department of Global Institute stands for innovative, hardworking and efficient department with uniqueness of developing Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery) in present era. Sushruta, the pioneer of Shalya Tantra (surgery) has enumerated the Ayurvedic Surgery in his legendary text book of surgery, SushrutaSamhita by describing the pathology of many surgical diseases related to various body systems.

This department deals with teaching the various surgical conditions mentioned in Ayurveda texts and in modern surgical texts. The students will be given live demonstration of all these surgical techniques in our operation theatre.

The present era is developing fast and we have to update ourselves to cope with the surgical techniques necessary to cure the ailments comprehensively and play a part in the health of the society. Hence, as per the need of the present century and the world, implementation of the principles of the long-lasting surgical methods of Ayurveda is incredibly necessary.

  • We are running Shalya Tantra OPD & IPD and performing all kinds of Surgical Procedures in our Hospital since its commencement in 2014
  • We have round the clock M.S. Ayurveda Faculty present in the campus, Qualified Nursing & OT Staff and well-equipped Operation theatre and Indoor Facilities.
  • We are running various speciality OPD and Surgical Activities for Uplifting Ayurvedic Surgical Practice and building up confidence in students for the same like Proctology – Ano Rectal (Malamarga Roga) OPD; Urological & Bladder Problems (Mutraroga); general surgical diseases like Hernia (Antra-Vruddhi); Hydrocele (Mutra-Vruddhi); Appendicitis (Unduka-Antrapuchchhasofa) ; Cholelithiasis (Pittashmari) etc.; Vrana Chikitsa (Wound & Ulcer Management) ; AsthiMarma Chikitsa (Fracture & Vital Part Injury Management) etc.
  • Since 2014 to till date (Feb 2025) we have conducted about 3000 Various Surgical Procedures among them more than 100 General Surgical Procedures.
  • Each Year we conduct Mega Surgical Camp in July Month of Calendar Year since 2017. In this camp we perform numerous surgeries (18-20 Operations) within 2-3 days.
  • We had conducted live surgical proctology conference on 7th -8th January 2023 “8th Annual Proctology Conference Proctocon 08” with more than 300 delegate & renowned experts for live demonstration of Live Ano-rectal surgery.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 54
    • Models - 82
    • Specimens - 19
    • Library Books - 55
  • OPD with well-equipped Examination Room and Dressing Chamber
  • IPD & Recovery Room
  • Advanced well-equipped Modular Operation Theatre

Shalakya Tantra Department


Ayurveda is a science of life, being practiced since thousands of years. It consists of eight branches; Shalakyatantra is one among them. Shalakyatantra deals with the diseases occurring in the organs situated above the neck. Its importance is ascertained by the fact that the main marma- Shiras and the sense organs like eyes, ears, nose are present in this part of the body. Among the Ashtangas, Urdhwanga chikitsa or Uttamanga chikitsa is explained as the best which is considering various ailments in the Shiras which is the seats for all the vital organs.

Department of Shalakyatantra is concerned with the diseases related to Ophthalmology, ENT and Oral cavity. This department possesses specimen, instruments and equipments for demonstration and teaching the students. OPD of Shalakyatantra is well-equipped with direct ophthalmoscope, autorefractometer, auroscope, snellen’s chart, trial frame set, dental chair and other necessary instruments for the investigation and diagnosis of the diseases related to Shalakyatantra.Different Kriyakalpas like anjana, seka, tarpana, bidalaka, pindi, karnadhoopana, karnapoorana, nasya are doing on OPD and IPD basis for different ailments. Different special medicines like nasya taila for khalitya and palitya, karnapoorana taila for karnanada and bhadhirya, karnadhoopana varthi were prepared under the department and using for treatment.

  • OPD and IPD facilities available for diagnosing and treating various Netra rogas, Karnarogas, Nasarogas, Mukharogas and Shirorogas
  • Operation theatre is equipped for conducting minor surgeries like Ear lobuloplasty, pterygium excision, etc.
  • Kriyakalpa room is ready to do various treatments like Karnadhoopana, Nasya, Tharpana etc.
  • Provides medical camps, awarness classes periodically
  • Seperate OPD is equipped with Dental chair and instruments for diagnosing and treating Dental disorders.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 57
    • Models - 08
    • Specimens - 12
    • Library Books - 51
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room and kriyakalpa room
  • IPD & Kriyalapa Room attached with OPD Room
  • Auto Refractometer Machine
  • Operation theatre
  • Separate dental OPD for Modern Dentist (Mukha Roga)

Prasuti Tantra & StreeRoga Department


Prasutitantra and Streeroga is a speciality of Ayurveda, that deals with Prasuti Tantra(Knowledge of Parturition) and Streeroga (Gynecological disorders). This focus on maintaining physical and mental health to women from menarche to menopause. The unique concepts of Prasootitantra and Streeroga are RajaswalaCharya( Regimen during menstruation), Garbhasamskara to acheive healthy progeny (Preconceptional care), Garbhini Paricharya (Regimen during pregnancy), Sootika Paricharya (Regimen after delivery).

  • OPD and IPD facilities available for treating Menstrual disorders (Artava dushti), Infertility( Vandhyatwa), Uterine fibroid( Garbhasaya Granthi), Ovarian Cyst (Andasaya Granthi ), Breast diseases (Stana Roga), Abnormal vaginal discharges (Asamanya Yonisraava), Menopausal Syndrome (Rajonivrittijanya Vikara), Polycystic Ovarian disease, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Gynecoligic oncology, Adolscent gynecology etc...
  • Facility for Garbha Samskara (Preconceptinal care), GarbhiniParicharya (Antenatal care), (Sootika Paricharya ( Post natal Care).
  • well-equipped Labour room for conducting normal delivery.
  • well-equipped Operation theatre for conducting procedures like ceaserian section, Hysterectomy, sterilisation, Polypectomy.
  • Provides Sthanika Chikitsa (Uttarabasti, Ksharakarma, yonipichu, Agnikarma, Yoniprakshalana,Yonilepana, Yonipoorana, Vesawara dhrarana, Varti dharana)
  • Provides Medical camps, awareness classes periodically.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 70
    • Models - 22
    • Specimens - 00
    • Library Books - 54
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room
  • IPD
  • Labour Room
  • Operation Theatre

Kaumarabhritya Department


It is one among the eight branches of ayurveda mentioned in our classics. It deals with the treatments of newborn, infants and children by adapting internal and external therapies in accordance with the ayurvedic texts.

We impart the knowledge regarding the cause, symptoms, treatment of various disorders of the neonates-infants-child-adolescent mentioned in various Ayurveda texts, primarily in Kashyap Samhita to the students.

  • Catering to improve the immunity, intellect and overall health and development of the child.
  • Treat common pediatric ailments like fever, sinusitis, allergic conditions, indigestion.
  • Adopting traditional measures like Swarnamruthaprashana for overall development of child.
  • Treating successfully diseases like Cerebral palsy, developmental disabilities, autism etc.
  • Adopting traditional Panchakarma in children.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 78
    • Models - 16
    • Specimens - 00
    • Library Books - 51
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room
  • IPD
  • Neonatal Chamber

Swasthavritta & Yoga Department


Ayurveda is the science of life and its prime aim is

प्रयोजनं चास्य स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम्׀आतुरस्य विकारप्रशमनं च׀ (च.सु. 30/26)

To maintain the health of the healthy individual is first aim of ayurveda then comes disease cure. ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is the motto of Swasthvritta and hence it is the first & foremost of all ayurveda branches. It makes the above motto possible by applying Dietary regimen, Daily regimen and Seasonal regimen. If we compare swasthvritta to modern science, then it is close match with Preventive & social medicine. Formerly it was only swasthvritta but now yoga is also added with it. Practicing Yoga for a healthy life is necessary in this stressful life and we all know India gave the world ‘International Day of Yoga’. Personal hygiene, public- social hygiene, yoga & naturopathy as well as primary health care system are the different parts of swasthvritta subject.

  • We swasthvritta people also focus on health maintain by daily regimen.
  • We motivate everyone to follow Dincharya & Rutucharya in the society.
  • To teach young medicos to follow yoga & pranayama in day-to-day practice.
  • To teach young students preventive & social medical science.
  • In today’s era, addiction of tobacco, smoking & drinking has spread very much, so to form a healthy society is only possible with de-addiction. We run de-addiction centre (Special OPD & Counselling Sessions) to help someone who want to come out from it.
  • Rasayanchikitsa is one among the ‘ashtang ayurveda’. We run Rasayan Clinic to rejuvenate and increase the longevity of young as well as geriatric age group individuals.
  • Daily Yoga sessions for the IPD patients and their relatives.
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 35
    • Models - 17
    • Library Books - 50
    • Specimens - 112
  • OPD with well-equipped examination room
  • IPD & Yoga hall

Roga Nidan & Vikriti Vigyan Department


“रोगमादौ परीक्षेत ततोऽनन्तरमौषधम्|”
(Diagnose the disease first, later go for treatment)

Roganidana evum Vikriti Vigyana, a subject comes under 2nd professional syllabus. It serves theoretical as well as practical knowledge regarding Nidana (cause & diagnosis) of diseases. It preludes on concepts of Roga-utpatti (formation of diseases) in Ayurvedic and modern modalities. Pareekshavidhi (Method of examination and diagnosis) given in the Samhitas (Classical text books) alongwith current laboratory and radiological investigations have paved new ways towards proper diagnosis of diseases.

  • To inculcate the students with causative factors, symptoms & pathogenesis of a disease
  • To explore and understand the numerous ancient methods of diagnosis as per the purview of the Samhitas.
  • To gain thorough theoretical & practical knowledge on clinical examination/Laboratory/Radiological methods for accurate diagnosis
  • To acquaint the scholars with preparation of various pathology-related working models as an effective way of learning
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 71
    • Models - 24
    • Specimens - 06
    • Library Books - 5+
  • Rognidana Laboratory in college for Practical demonstration for Students.
  • Hospital Vikriti vigyan Laboratory.

Agada Tantra Department


Agada tantra & Vyavahara-ayurveda or forensic medicine & toxicology is one among the ashtanga’s of ayurveda. Poison or toxicity has been studied since age old times and is still present between us in different forms and combinations. This branch deals with the detailed study of all poisons, identification of poison from source to detection & treatment. Food toxicity and treatment, weapons & ballistics, medicine & laws, IPCs of crime, types of medical certificates and study of death and changes in body.

Post mortem study was first landmarked by Sushruta under shava-vicchedana-pareeksha/anatomical dissection and marked for the start of postmortem study.

  • To teach the young medicos medical practise and laws / IPC sections related with it.
  • To be proficient in poison identification in day-to –day life and its treatment
  • To be aware of all medico-legal crimes in today’s society and laws/IPC sections related with it
  • To be aware of all occupational disorders in today’s era
  • Study of environmental toxicology and treatment of toxic diseases caused
  • To Establish OPD as per Guidelines of NCISM MSE UG 2022
  • Toxicological examination and treatment of patients.
  • We had initiated OPD for Agada Tantra
Infrastructure of Department:
  • Institute Departmental Statistics
    • Charts - 24
    • Models - 20
    • Specimens - 232
    • Library Books - 56
  • Agadtantra Museum
  • OPD – as per new regulation MSE 2022 & MES AR UG 2024
  • IPD – as per new regulation MES AR UG 2024